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No Fee Unless We Win
June 28, 2024

How to Quantify Emotional Distress Damages in California

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Emotional distress damages in California

Calculating pain and emotional distress damages in California is far from straightforward. Unlike some states, California doesn’t provide courts with specific recommendations to calculate distress damages. Instead, the determination of these damages often hinges on the expertise of your lawyer and their experience in handling emotional distress cases.


Emotional distress can manifest in various forms, each with its unique impact on an individual’s life. Common examples of emotional distress damage cases include:

  • Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Severe Mood Swings
  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Loss of Appetite or Eating Disorders
  • Social Withdrawal

What is Emotional Distress Damage in California

In California, emotional distress is a type of pain and suffering, but it’s important to note that not all pain and suffering falls under the umbrella of emotional distress.

Emotional distress is classified as a form of non-economic damage, representing an intangible loss without a predefined financial value. It’s crucial to understand that while anxiety resulting from an accident falls under non-economic damages, the costs associated with therapy to address that anxiety are considered economic damages and are calculated separately.

Serious emotional distress is deemed to exist if an ordinary, reasonable person would find it challenging to cope with. According to the California Civil Jury Instructions, emotional distress encompasses a range of experiences:

  • Suffering
  • Anguish
  • Fright
  • Horror
  • Nervousness
  • Grief
  • Anxiety
  • Worry
  • Shock
  • Humiliation
  • Shame

Calculating Emotional Distress Damage in California

There are several approaches to determining the value of emotional distress damage in California. The goal is to quantify the impact of emotional distress on the quality of life, and various methods can be employed to achieve this. The most commonly employed methods to determine the amount of mental suffering include:

Multiplier Method:

The Multiplier Method entails multiplying the total economic damages (such as medical expenses and loss of earnings) by a specific factor, known as the multiplier. This multiplier is determined based on the severity of emotional distress and its impact on the victim’s life. It serves to account for non-economic damages that are challenging to quantify precisely, such as pain, suffering, and emotional distress.

Example: If economic damages amount to $50,000, and a multiplier of 2 is applied, the total damages for emotional distress would be $100,000.

Per-diem Method:

The Multiplier Method entails multiplying the total economic damages (such as medical expenses and loss of earnings) by a specific factor, known as the multiplier. This multiplier is determined based on the severity of emotional distress and its impact on the victim’s life. It serves to account for non-economic damages that are challenging to quantify precisely, such as pain, suffering, and emotional distress.

Example: If economic damages amount to $50,000, and a multiplier of 2 is applied, the total damages for emotional distress would be $100,000.

There are also important ways to help your case keep track of all expenses. These are different ways to showcase your emotional anguish evidence:

Witness Testimonies:

Calling witnesses such as family members and doctors can be instrumental in supporting your claim. They can provide valuable insights into their experiences with you, illustrating how emotional distress has adversely affected the overall value of your life.

Journaling and Day-in-the-Life Videos:

Maintaining a journal and creating day-in-the-life videos can aid in quantifying damages. These documents offer a tangible record of the emotional suffering you endure daily, providing a compelling narrative for your case.

Expert Witnesses:

Engaging expert witnesses, including life care planners and economists, can strengthen your case. They play a crucial role in proving and documenting the damages, using their expertise to validate the impact of emotional distress on your life.

damages for intentional infliction of emotional distress california

How Much Can You Ask for Emotional Distress Damages in California?

When it comes to emotional distress in California, the big question is: how much is pain and suffering worth? The answer is not straightforward, as compensation and legal remedies vary greatly depending on the case. However, understanding the typical ranges can help set realistic expectations.

Factors influencing the value of a claim include:

  • Severity of Physical Injury: More severe injuries often lead to higher compensation.
  • Economic Losses: This includes lost wages and medical bills.
  • Strength of Evidence: Solid proof of emotional distress increases claim value.
  • Defendant’s Conduct: Cases involving recklessness or intent may attract higher damages.

Non-economic damages, like emotional distress, usually accompany physical injury. Key considerations here are:

  • High Medical Bills: Indicative of severe injury and potential for higher non-economic damages.
  • Loss of Function: Impairment in daily activities can increase the claim value.
  • Permanent Disfigurement: This often results in higher compensation for emotional trauma.
  • Lengthy Recovery: A long or ongoing recovery process can amplify the claim.
  • Objectively Diagnosed Injuries: Confirmed injuries through medical tests strengthen the claim.
  • Direct Mental Anguish: Proving the incident caused emotional distress is crucial.

What are the income requirements for SSDI in California?

To qualify for SSDI benefits, you need to meet the income requirements set by the Social Security Administration (SSA). These requirements include passing both the recent work test and the duration of work test. The recent work test evaluates your work credits in the years leading up to your disability onset, while the duration of work test considers the total number of work credits you have earned throughout your working life.

When to Claim Pain and Suffering Damages in California

You would, first, need to consider the legal standards and criteria applied by the California courts to understand when to claim pain and suffering damages in the state. Pain and suffering can be pursued as part of a lawsuit for various personal injuries, including

  • Car Accidents
  • Intentional Torts
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Wrongful Death
  • Slip and Fall (Premises Liability)
  • Defective Products

However, two major exceptions are crucial to note:

  • Workers’ Compensation Claims: In California, pain and suffering damages are not recoverable in workers’ compensation claims. This is because the system is designed primarily to cover medical expenses and lost wages, focusing on tangible economic losses rather than emotional distress.
  • Medical Malpractice Lawsuits: There’s a specific cap in place for non-economic damages in these cases. Victims can recover up to $250,000 for pain and suffering, regardless of the severity of their emotional distress. This cap is a legislative measure to balance the interests of healthcare providers and patients.

Compensation for Different Types of Emotional Distress

Seeking compensation for emotional distress in California involves navigating the specific criteria associated with different types of emotional distress claims. Here are insights into various categories:

  • Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress:
    1. Criteria for Compensation:
      1. Deliberate and outrageous conduct by the defendant.
      2. Intentional infliction of severe emotional distress.
      3. Physical harm may or may not be present.
    2. Compensation Range:
      1. Varies based on the severity and impact of the emotional distress caused intentionally.


  • California damages for Garden Variety Emotional Distress:
    1. Criteria for Compensation:
      1. Non-deliberate conduct causing emotional distress.
      2. Typically linked to negligence or recklessness.
      3. It may not involve extreme and outrageous behavior.
    2. Compensation Range: Depends on the degree of negligence or recklessness, and the resulting emotional impact.


  • Harassment-Related Emotional Distress:
    1. Criteria for Compensation:
      1. Persistent and unwelcome conduct creates a hostile environment.
      2. Can be based on factors like race, gender, or other protected characteristics.
      3. There is sufficient evidence of harm to mental well-being.
    2. Compensation Range: Determined by the severity of harassment, the impact on the victim, and the duration of the distress.
california damages for garden variety emotional distress harassment

How to Seek Compensation for the Damage

Following a legal process for mental distress in California involves a structured path. Here’s a step-by-step outline to guide you through:

Step 1 - Documentation of Psychological distress claims:

  • Gather evidence of your emotional distress, including medical records, therapy sessions, and any relevant psychological evaluations.
  • Maintain a journal detailing how the distress affects your daily life.

Step 2 - Consult a Personal Injury Attorney:

  • Find a lawyer experienced in California’s personal injury law.
  • Discuss your case specifics, including evidence and impact on your life.

Step 3 - Filing a Claim:

  • Your attorney will help file a claim against the party responsible for your emotional distress.
  • The claim should include details of the incident, evidence of your emotional distress, and the compensation sought.

Step 4 - Negotiations and Mediation:

  • Often, there will be a phase of negotiations with the defendant or their insurance company.
  • If a settlement is offered, evaluate its adequacy with your lawyer.

Step 5 - Going to Trial (if necessary):

  • If a satisfactory settlement is not reached, your case may go to trial.
  • Present your evidence in court, including testimony from psychological experts, if applicable.

Step 6 - Quantifying Damages:

  • The court or jury will consider the evidence to determine the amount of compensation.
  • Factors include severity of distress, impact on your life, and any physical injuries.

Step 7 - Awarding of Compensation:

  • If successful, the court will award compensation for your emotional distress.
  • This may include both economic damages (like therapy costs) and non-economic damages for the distress itself.

Step 8 - Post-Trial:

  • If you win the case, follow up with your attorney to collect the awarded compensation.
  • If the outcome is not in your favor, discuss potential appeals or alternative actions with your lawyer.

Evidence and Documentation

To effectively support an emotional distress claim in California, a comprehensive collection of evidence and documentation is essential. These documents collectively provide a detailed picture of the emotional distress’s impact, its treatment, and its repercussions on various aspects of life. This typically includes:


  • Medical Records
  • Expert Testimony
  • Personal Journals
  • Witness Statements
  • Employment Records
  • Therapy or Counseling Bills
  • Photographic or Video Evidence
  • Correspondence

Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress California Punitive Damages

Navigating claims of negligent infliction of emotional distress requires a straightforward approach and expert legal assistance. Understanding these key aspects helps in effectively advocating for rightful compensation.

emotional distress damages breach of contract California

Negligent vs. Intentional Infliction

Negligent infliction of emotional distress in California differs from damages for intentional infliction of emotional distress mainly due to the lack of intent. In these cases, the defendant’s negligent actions, not their intent to harm, are what lead to emotional distress.

Direct and Bystander Victims

Victims are categorized as either direct or bystander. Direct victims experience emotional distress due to actions aimed at them. Bystander victims, on the other hand, suffer emotional distress by witnessing an incident affecting someone close to them, like a family member.

Proving the Emotional Distress

Proving emotional distress in these cases can be challenging. The connection between the negligent act and the emotional suffering must be established, emphasizing the importance of solid evidence and documentation.

Punitive Damages: A Rare Scenario

Punitive damages in negligent infliction cases are rare in California. These are typically reserved for instances of extreme negligence or intentional harm. They aim to punish the wrongdoer and prevent future negligent actions.

Emotional Distress Damages in California: Breach of Contract

Key Points:

  • Damages for emotional distress are generally excluded in actions for breach of an ordinary commercial contract.
  • Exceptions exist when physical injury accompanies emotional distress or when the breach is likely to result in serious emotional disturbance.

According to California courts: 

“Damages for mental suffering and emotional distress are generally not recoverable in an action for breach of an ordinary commercial contract in California.” 

However, there are two notable exceptions to this rule:

  • Physical Injury Accompanying Emotional Distress: In situations where the emotional distress resulting from the breach is accompanied by physical injury, the courts may permit recovery for emotional distress damages. This acknowledges the interconnected impact of physical and legal aspects of emotional harm arising from the contractual breach.
  • Breach Leading to Serious Emotional Disturbance: The second exception comes into play when the breach is of such a nature that serious emotional disturbance is a particularly likely result. In these instances, emotional distress damages may be recoverable, recognizing the foreseeability of significant emotional impact as a consequence of the breach.


Additional FAQs

Can a plaintiff get damages for emotional distress in small claims court in California?

In small claims court in California, the ability to recover damages for emotional distress may be limited. Small claims court typically focuses on tangible losses and emotional distress damages may not be awarded as easily as in other legal proceedings.

Are emotional distress damages taxable in California?

Generally, emotional distress damages are not taxable in California. Compensation for emotional distress is typically considered non-taxable income. However, it’s advisable to consult with a tax professional for specific guidance based on individual circumstances.

Are emotional distress damages recoverable in California on a property damage claim?

Emotional distress damages are not typically recoverable in a property damage claim in California. Damages in property claims usually focus on the actual harm to the property itself rather than emotional consequences.

Can commercial tenants obtain emotional distress damages in California?

Commercial tenants in California may have a limited ability to obtain emotional distress damages. The availability of such damages can depend on the specifics of the case, the nature of the breach, and any applicable contractual provisions.

The Importance of Legal Expertise in Emotional Distress Claims

Securing the right legal support is crucial when dealing with emotional distress claims in California. An experienced attorney is not just a luxury; they are essential for navigating the complexities of such cases. They bring the necessary expertise to ensure you are adequately compensated for lost wages, medical bills, and the emotional trauma you’ve experienced.

While we’ve strived to provide valuable insights, it’s essential to recognize that the information shared here is not a substitute for professional legal advice tailored to your specific circumstances. Every case is unique, and seeking guidance from experienced legal professionals is paramount.

Our team is ready to advocate for you. For expert guidance tailored to your case, reach out to MayBerry Law to get a 100% free evaluation.

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